Tuesday, August 28, 2012


advetiseOption how to advertise : you have two choices in advertising:

First, work hard. 

Use your time and diligent promotion of every day in a variety of free classified ad sites. This way, you work hard to earn money. But to be honest, is less effective.

Second, work smart. 

If you want the most effective way to promote your affiliate URL, you can advertise your URL at thousands of sites / blogs Indonesia. Simply by paying for a certain value, then your affiliate URL will spread across thousands of sites at once.You only pay for each click your ad receives.
Monday, August 27, 2012

speech-language Java circumcision

In this post I will share one of the speeches of Java Language, in terms of parenting, one day we are going to surely circumcision the boys us.  

Sometimes we are required to give a few words, this text seems only to Javanese society, yes, because the Java language, Indonesian for does not seem too much of a problem, due to Indonesian are not too many rules in the language, but for the Java Language, may be somewhat a problem, due to their own communities Java is not to overuse the Java language, especially for speech affairs existing Java-Language rules are fine, coarse, Khromo Inggil (subtle language) or Ngoko (colloquial), this script may be useful.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Never Tell Our Children to Learn

learn computer
How well can we be encouraging kids to learn?Why ... every time I tell kids to learn ... every time that they did not find a way to learn ....Why is that not being ordered to learn ... they are always lazy to learn ......The above sentences sounds a lot to us, both mothers and of fathers who have had children in the school or pre-school. As if there was something that made the reluctant children to learn and wanted to just play around it. It was difficult to get children to learn and try to explore their curiosity through learning.So what should we do so that children have to learn on their own self-awareness and being ordered not need to learn? The answer is only one ..... Do not tell your child to learn .... 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Positive Parenting, Parenting The Right Way

sad little boy sick
sad little boy sad

Each parent must have different parenting with other parents. But certainly the same goal, that they want their children to be the best, now and in the future.

The family is the foundation of the early formation of the character of the child. That is, the parent holds a very important role to the development of the child becomes an adult and qualified. For this reason, parents need to know the best parenting can be applied to their children so they can build a positive character.

One of the many parenting echoed recently by psychologists, child and family watchdog is positive parenting - parenting is done by supportive, constructive, and fun for children. "Supportive meaning parents provide treatment to support the development of children, while constructive means done in a positive way to avoid violence and punishment, and the fun is done through play activities.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Children's success is Parents Hope

images of children posing cute
images of children posing cute

The main property to a child is taught about manners and virtues, because that's successful capital for their future life
Each parent must expect someday to be successful in life. Before birth it was prepared to have a good name and meaning as we want him to be. Therefore, we will try to educate and send him to school, as high as possible. How else can we do to the future child can meet our expectations as parents, success in life.
And of course we also expect our children better than our own. But to educate a child, is not an easy job.

Saturday, August 11, 2012


A collection of pictures Hummer cars that might just be a dream, the price is really beautiful, but why not just look at photos or pictures of the Hummer while driving alone is enough to imagine, for those of you who crave the Hummer, please feel free to come see and imagine riding, but kalu you can afford it, go ahead, certainly handsome Hummer driving in the streets of Indonesia, while imagining ogled by those in rural or slum, or pretty girls

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

The influence of Images in Children's Education

Not Good Child Activity Image
Images in Children's Education 
Yesterday I saw a photo on Facebook's a facebook account, picture this: a commentary written in one way, this paper is not willing to judge good or bad writing or posting the photo uploader, because I do not have the authority to it. I have not reached capacity in this case, both bad judgment (opinion) is where the child psychologist. But in this case, I would just write down the possibilities of an effect of the action taken either in the process of taking pictures and look at the picture.
Basically, a child has a nature or instinct to actualize themselves in front of others, parents, friends, and the surrounding environment, if the actions liked, or note it is possible that a child will repeat the activity / behavior that he liked someone else, regardless of the good or the bad actions.
Saturday, August 04, 2012

Mistake In Educating Children

Many mistake and omissions in educating children has become a real phenomenon.
Child is entrusted to his parents. So, we as parents are responsible for this mandate. As for the house, was the first school for children. A collection of some of the houses would form a building society. For a child, before getting education in schools and society, he will get education in the home and family.
He is the prototype of his parents in social interaction. Therefore, where the role and responsibilities of parents, sued for not negligent in educating children. Educate Children In Danger negligent Parents have rights that must be executed by their children. Similarly children, also have rights that must be borne by both parents. Besides, God commands us to devote to both parents. God also commands us to do good (charity) to children as well as serious in educating him. Ten Mistake In Children Educate, Although many parents know, that educating children is a big responsibility, but there are still many parents who neglect and underestimate this problem. Thus ignoring the problems of education of this child, not the slightest attention to the development of their children. Only later, when the children rebelled against their parents, or deviate from the rules of religion and social order, many parents start blaming it on fire or their children. Tragically, many are not aware, that his parents are actually the major cause of the emergence of that rebellious attitude. Negligent or wrong way to educate children that many different forms; that we unknowingly contributed to the emergence of the attitude of disobedience to parents, and juvenile delinquency. Here are ten forms of common mistakes made by parents in educating their children.
Wednesday, August 01, 2012


1. The lack of time with children
Today's parents tend to be "tewnty minute parents' parental aka 20 minutes. That is, time with children only for a moment, about 10 minutes before leaving for work in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening after work. Parents' busy work to make energy-depleted, so it is no longer left to move with the child, whether it's playing, singing or storytelling. Not to mention the lack of transfer of moral values, ethical and spiritual in children.

2. The weak bonding / bond with the child
Child's everyday life is usually so much more with substitute parents, such as grandparents, om-aunt, nanny, etc.. Lack of time and an abundance of attention to the child resulting in lack of bonding between parent-child relationship.

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